Static analysis tools for PHPย ย ๐
A curated list of static analysis tools for PHP.
Table of Contentsย ย ๐
Tools to report issues in code that are or lead to bugs.
AppChecker - static analysis tool for finding bugs, weaknesses and vulnerabilities in source code
Code insight - A tool for analysing other project code bases.
AST Metrics - A blazing-fast static code analyzer that help your to identify code that needs to be refactored.
Churn-PHP - Discover files in need of refactoring.
composer-dependency-analyser - Fast detection of composer dependency issues (unused dependencies, shadow dependencies, misplaced dependencies)
Composer-Unused - A Composer tool to show unused Composer dependencies by scanning your code.
Eir - A static vulnerability analysis tool written in C#.
Exakat - Smart static analysis.
jscpd - Copy/paste detector for programming source code.
Mondrian - A code analysis tool using Graph Theory.
name-collision-detector - Detects symbol duplicates (class name collissions).
noverify - Pretty fast linter (code static analysis utility) for PHP.
Pfff - Tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation.
phanalist - A static analyzer for PHP. It helps you catch common mistakes in your PHP code.
PHP Analysis - A library for analysing and modifying PHP Source Code in Rascal (PHP AiR).
PHParch - PHPArch is a work in progress architectural testing library for PHP projects.
PHP Assumption - Finds weak assumptions in the code, suggest to turn them into stronger validations.
PhpCodeAnalyzer - Finds usage of non-built-in extensions.
PHPCodeFixer - Finds usage of deprecated functions, variables and ini directives.
php-compat-info - Find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run.
php7mar - PHP 7 Migration Assistant Report.
phpcallgraph - Generate static call graphs. Such a graph visualizes the call dependencies among methods or functions of an application..
PHPCPD - Spots copy/pasted code, and help enforcing DRY rule.
PHPDoctor - Check PHP files or directories for missing types.
Phan - The static analyzer by Rasmus, PHP Creator.
Phinder - PHP code piece finder
Phortress - A PHP static code analyser for potential vulnerabilities.
PHP Compatibility - Find code which is incompatible with a specified range of PHP versions.
PHP Deprecation Detector - PhpDeprecationDetector - analyzer of PHP code to search usages of deprecated functionality in newer interpreter versions.
PHP Code Static Analysis - PHP Code static analysis program made in nodeJS.
PHP Inspection - Static analysis plugin for PHPStorm.
PHP Integrator - Indexes PHP code and performs static analysis for Atom editor.
Phlint - Phlint is a tool with an aim to help maintain quality of php code by analyzing code and pointing out potential code issues.
PHP lint - PHP itself, able to detect syntax error from command line.
PHPlint - A validator and documentator for PHP 5 programs.
PHP-Parallel-Lint - A parallel php linting tool for PHP 5.4 or newer
PHP Magic Number Detector - PHP Magic Number Detector
PHP-malware-finder - Detect potentially malicious PHP files
PHP Mess Detector - Look for several potential problems within source code.
PHP Reaper - Scan ADOdb code for SQL Injections.
PHP SA - A development tool aimed at bringing complex analysis for PHP applications and libraries.
PHP Stan - Focuses on finding errors in code without actually running it.
PHP Unlocker - Detect potential, unintended DB table locks for PHP applications using ADOdb. Uses static analysis methods.
PHP testability - Analyses and produces a report with testability issues of a php codebase.
PHP vuln hunter - Scan PHP vulnerabilities automatically using static analysis methods.
Progpilot - A static analysis tool for security purposes.
Psalm - A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications.
psecio:parse - Parse : A PHP Security Scanner.
Qodana PHP by JetBrains โ A static analysis tool for PHP projects based on PhpStorm.
SonarQube - An open platform to manage code quality. It covers PHP code.
Side Channel Analyzer - Search for side-channel vulnerable code.
TaintPHP - Static Taint Analyzer.
Tuli - A static analysis engine.
Unused-scanner - Detect unused composer dependencies
WAP - Tool to detect and correct input validation vulnerabilities in PHP (4.0 or higher) web applications and predicts false positives.
PHP VarDump Check - PHP console application for finding forgotten variable dump.
17eyes - PHP static analyzer written in Haskell.
CakeFuzzer - Ultimate web application security testing tool for CakePHP based web applications.
Tools to review the way PHP code was written and more.
Pahout - A pair programming partner for writing better PHP.
composer-normalize - Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json.
EasyCodingStandard - An easy to use tool, that allows to use CodeSniffer and PHP-CS-Fixer in simple way.
editorconfig-checker - A tool to verify that your files are in harmony with your .editorconfig
PHPas - A tool for format and beautify the style of PHP code with my style.
PHPArkitect - PHPArkitect helps you to keep your PHP codebase coherent and solid, by permitting to add some architectural constraint check to your workflow.
PHP Code Sniffer - PHPCS checks and auto-fixes the code for a large range of coding standard.
PHPCheckstyle - A tool to help adhere to certain coding conventions.
PHP Doc Check - Uses complexity metrics to enforce documentation conventions on non-trivial functions.
PHP formatter - This PHP formatter aims to provide you some bulk actions for you PHP projects to ensure their consistency.
TLint - This is an opinionated code linter (with growing support for auto-formatting!) for Tighten flavored code conventions for Laravel and PHP.
Libraries that may be the base for a home-made static analyzer.
Deptrac - A static code analysis tool to enforce rules for dependencies between software layers.
PHP Architecture Tester - Easy to use architecture testing tool for PHP
PHPArkitect - A static code analysis tool to enforce architectural rules in your codebase
PHP-cfg - A Control Flow Graph implementation in PHP. Written by IrcMaxwell.
PHP coupling detector - Check that code has no unwanted coupled classes.
PHP Parser - Written in PHP by Nikita Popov and based on actual grammar of PHP.
PHP Token Reflection - Library emulating the PHP internal reflection using just the tokenized source code.
PHPSandbox - A full-scale PHP 5.3.2+ sandbox class that utilizes PHPParser to prevent sandboxed code from running unsafe code.
Reflection - Reflection library to do Static Analysis for PHP Projects.
Better Reflection - Reflection library with additional features such as parsing docblock type hints, uses nikic's PHP Parser under the hood.
Tools to automatically fix the code they are provided with.
Rector - AST-based Instant Upgrades of PHP Applications
FunctionFQNReplacer - provides a way to replace relative references of functions in function calls with absolute references.
Mago - Mago: The Oxidized PHP Toolchain
Phpactor - This project aims to provide heavy-lifting refactoring and introspection tools.
PHP BackSlasher - Tool to add all PHP internal functions and constants to its namespace by adding backslash to them.
php-refactoring-browser - CLI refactoring tool.
PHP CS Fixer - Analyzes and tries to fix coding standards issues (PSR-1 and PSR-2 compatible).
phpdoc to typehint - Turn phpdocs comments to actual Typehint (arguments and return).
php-scoper - Prefixes all PHP namespaces in a file/directory to isolate the code bundled in PHARs.
Transphpile - Write PHP 7, run PHP 5.6, with feature backport.
PHP Weaver - Analysing parameter types at runtime and generate the appropriate phpdocs.
Tools to measure the code complexity, line of codes, etc.
AST Metrics - A blazing-fast static code analyzer that calculates various metrics to help identify code that needs to be refactored, and provides a beautiful graphical interface.
churn-php - Helps discover good candidates for refactoring.
Design Pattern Detector - detection of design patterns in PHP code.
dePHPend - dePHPend helps analyze dependencies & architecture and allows you to define constraints for both.
Dissect - A set of tools for lexical and syntactical analysis.
php-arguments-detector - Keep control over the complexity of your methods by checking that they do not have too many arguments.
php-smelly-code-detector - PHP code smell detector.
php-class-dependencies-analyzer - This tool allows you to monitor the dependencies and instability of your classes
PHPLOC - Utility to measures PHP application size and count various structures.
PHP Metrics - Calculates all sorts of metrics, and display them in a gorgeous interface.
PHP Semantic Versioning Checker - Compares two source sets and determines the appropriate semantic versioning to apply.
PhpStats - Tool for collecting statistics, metrics, dependencies, and building various graphs for large projects to find bottlenecks.
PhpDependencyAnalysis - Static code analysis to provide and verify a dependency graph against a defined architecture.
php-wording-detector - Simple tool to analyze and split the words contained in your code to check your DDD approach.
Quality Analyzer - Quality Analyzer is a tool to visualize metrics and source code.
Tools that display PHP code in graphical way
PHPcity - PHPCity is an implementation of city metaphor visualization and provides visualization of PHP projects which are implemented in the object-oriented fashion.
Online services for PHP code, provide dashboards. They may use the previous tools or offer their own.
Bliss - Automatically reviews code in real-time and shows how much it's worth in lines of code.
Codacy - Codacy: Automated Code Review.
CodeBeaat - Decrease technical debt. Find refactoring opportunities.
Code Climate - Hosted static analysis for Ruby, PHP and JavaScript source code.
CodeScene - Prioritize technical debt in PHP, JavaScript, etc.
Codegrip - Smarter & Secure way to Code Review
Deepsource - DeepSource is a modern static analysis platform, built for engineering teams who move fast and donโt break things.
Insight - A SensioLabs tool to analyzes source code to find problems that degrade the overall quality of your projects.
Insphpect - Insphpect is an automated code review tool which identifies inflexibilities in PHP code and helps you write better software.
RIPS - The superior security software for PHP applications. Source code static analyser for vulnerabilities.
Scrutinizer - Improve code quality and find bugs before they hit production with our continuous inspection platform.
Sourcegraph - Understand and search across your entire codebase
SideCI - CI for automated code review by code analysis.
Laravelshift - the automated way to upgrade Laravel applications. Upgrade Laravel applications all the way from Laravel 4.2 to the latest version of Laravel.
HHVM - Hack Language from Facebook. Add a SCA until version 3.3.8, newer version doesn't have anymore.
PHP Manipulator - A library for analysing and modifying PHP Source Code.
PHP Parser - A NodeJS library for parsing PHP and extracting tokens and AST.
PHPQA - A Wrapper to a lot of PHP tools reported into a single HTML file.
Fixtro - A wrapper that allow to run in each precommit. It install itself all the dependencies for the runners with a lot of them (phpunit, phpmd, php-cs-fixer, etc..)
Coverage Checker - A tool which allows some of the tools here to be enforced on changed code only. Good for moving towards new standards
Composer Require Checker - A CLI tool to check whether a specific composer package uses imported symbols that aren't part of its direct composer dependencies
Static Analysis Results Baseliner - A tool for generating a baseline from static analysis tools.