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This is a H1 title

This is some text.

version is: prod_280e646b913177c58d0b31697b3640f22c81c333

Hello, I am the page content.

This is a place holder page, that has all the bits filled out, so I can play with the SCSS. Maybe click on the sections.

Size test

This site uses several screen widths for choosing how to layout the page. They are $screen_break_large, $screen_break_medium and $screen_break_small in the sass.

The current screen size is:

above $screen_break_large
between $screen_break_medium and $screen_break_large
between $screen_break_small and $screen_break_medium
below $screen_break_small

General things

Here is a link so that we can see the colors.

Code test


function calculateDimensions($inputValue) {
    // do some maths.
    return [$width, $height];

[$width, $height] = calculateDimensions($inputValue);

I am open to the idea of using a code highlighter....but at the same time, unhighlighted code looks so much more.....authorative.

Nice block of text

Lets have some Lorem ipsum to fill out the page a bit. And test if the auto-deployer is working.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam lacinia quam quis est ultrices vehicula. Nulla et sagittis eros. Etiam aliquet justo sit amet cursus volutpat. Fusce et ipsum vel quam commodo dapibus. Nullam vitae urna elit. Vivamus placerat odio molestie sapien facilisis, et venenatis ante fermentum. Suspendisse hendrerit sit amet ex ut ornare. Suspendisse porta arcu vitae elit tristique condimentum vitae in tortor. Fusce molestie sapien vel est interdum, et aliquet nunc vestibulum. Nam efficitur tempus libero sit amet rhoncus. Nulla facilisi.

H1 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

H2 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

H3 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

H4 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

H5 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

H1 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

With some paragraph text between the next one

H2 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

With some paragraph text between the next one

H3 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

With some paragraph text between the next one

H4 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

With some paragraph text between the next one

H5 title with some more words so we can see how it looks when wrapped

With some paragraph text between the next one

H1 title

With some paragraph text between the next one

H1 title

H2 title

With some paragraph text between the next one

H2 title

H3 title

With some paragraph text between the next one

H3 title

H4 title

With some paragraph text between the next one

H4 title

H5 title

With some paragraph text between the next one

H5 title